Complete Prior Damage Section for Total Loss
Use the Prior Damage section to record details of prior damage to the loss vehicle. From the Prior Damage section you can enter a specific amount, specific percentage, or use Mitchell Derived Amount to calculate prior damage for the loss vehicle using pre-existing damage adjustments.
As you follow the instructions, refer to the Reference section below if you need more information.
Note: Misapplication of these adjustments could result in duplicate or insufficient adjustments. Mitchell Total Loss recommends that if Prior Damage (separate/isolated collision impact or specific comprehensive damage) exists, the adjustment be applied in the Prior Damage Adjustment section.
How to
Use the Prior Damage section to apply negative adjustments to the loss vehicle based on your company guidelines.
Note: If a prior damage deduction is entered in this section, do not take the same deduction under conditioning.
Enter a description for the adjustment in the Description field.
Enter the negative adjustment amount in the Adjustment Amount field.
“Separate/Isolated impact.” Impact from another vehicle or collision with a fixed or moving object. (Collision or Comprehensive)
Theft or attempted theft damage (multiple missing or damaged interior/exterior components) this could also include vandalism such as multiple "key" exterior scratches or interior slashing.
Damage resulting from a single weather related incident (Significant flood damage to interior or hail damage covering multiple exterior panels.
Partially repaired damage from a prior submitted claim. (This may include the appearance of faulty prior repairs)
Although the preceding examples may not cover all situations the general rules used to distinguish prior damage from condition are:
- Damage consistent with a prior incident or loss that may or not have been reported for reimbursement. (Collision/Comprehensive)
- Damage exceeding the Appraisers expectation of the normal wear/usage attributed to a typical vehicle in its current environment/location.