Quote for GM Dynamic Pricing
The real-time General Motors (GM) Dynamic Pricing feature allows you to access "live" GM pricing using the typical estimate writing workflow.
How to
- In an open Job for a GM vehicle, click Write Estimate.
- The part categories will appear on the screen and GM Dynamic part prices will display during the typical estimate workflow.
- From the list of parts, select the desired part by clicking on it, then determine and select the Repair Operation (e.g., Remove and Replace).
- Click the Commit button when the estimate is complete.
- The dialog box that appears first states:
Committing this estimate...
Obtaining price quote
The application contacts GM automatically and receives a Quote ID. This number appears in the bottom right section of each estimate report page.
The dialog box then states:
Price Quote retrieved. Quote ID is ###### (expires in 120 days)
- To receive pricing listed on the estimate for OE parts, contact GM dealers and reference the Quote ID.
- Click the Commit button to fully commit the estimate.