Merge Mitchell Cloud Repair Walk-In Jobs with Assignments
Merge a walk-in job you created in Mitchell Cloud Repair with an assignment sent from the insurance company. This feature allows you to get to work right away without waiting for an assignment. Once the assignment is available, you can merge your existing job with an assignment and not lose any of the information you started with.
This feature is also helpful if you are working with a third-party estimating system. You can create your assignment in Mitchell Connect, import your third-part estimate, then merge the two.
This merge feature is specifically used for Mitchell Cloud Repair.
Note: Check the workflow guide for your insurance company partners to ensure the workflow allows you to create the walk-in job prior to receiving the assignment.
How to
- Open the assignment job you want to merge.
- On the Job Overview page, select Job Actions at the top of the page.
- Select Merge.
The Select Job to Merge window appears and provides close matches based on vehicle and owner information. Use the Modified in Last filter to filter the list by days if needed. Select the job, and then select Select Job.
Select one of the following in the Specify Information to Merge window:
Merge estimate line data: Merge estimate line data, vehicle information, notes, and attachments. Vehicle information from your walk-in job overwrites vehicle information in the assignment. Attachments on your walk-in assignment are migrated to the assignment.
Merge estimate line data and Job Information: Merge estimate line data, vehicle information, notes, contact information, and insurance information. Vehicle information, contact information, and insurance information (if available) from your walk-in job overwrites vehicle information in the assignment. (For example: The person who brought the vehicle in may be different than the insured and you would rather contact the person that dropped off the vehicle). Attachments on your walk-in assignment are migrated to the assignment.
Note: Insurance information for Mitchell Cloud Estimating estimates are not overwritten in the merge process. Third party estimating systems overwrite insurance information if selected.
Assignments for third party estimates require a PDF attachment of the estimate. In the Add Estimate window, drag the PDF to the space indicated or click Browse to navigate to your file.
Note: PDF estimate attachments are only required for non Mitchell Estimates. Mitchell Cloud Estimating PDF is already available.