Vehicle Valuation Report

The Vehicle Valuation Report is the primary report. Total Loss calculates the valuation using comparable vehicle values and adjustments to determine the market value of the total loss vehicle. Regional considerations, based on similar vehicles within the geographical location of the vehicle, are also taken into account when calculating the valuation. You may receive a Vehicle Valuation based on comparable vehicles, historical trend, or dealer quote information. Tax amounts may be added to the valuation.

Vehicle Valuations are classified as a Local Market Valuation, Regional Market Valuation, National Market Valuation, Dealer Quote, Specialty Vehicle Valuation.

The report provides the base value and market value of the total loss vehicle, with adjustments for condition, prior damage, equipment, etc. You can view the Vehicle Valuation on-screen in both Detail and Document views.

  • Fully Automated Vehicle Valuation Report where vehicle coverage exists. (PIN VID is displayed)..

  • “Prepared For:” subheading is a company customer setting that will allow carriers to append their company name, or underwriter company, that will be appended to the valuation report. There is a field in the valuation request workflow named “Insurer”. Once selected, it will append that company name to the valuation report.

Sample Report (Page 1)
