The request has been started and saved, but not submitted.
Pending Additional Research
The request has been submitted, but is on hold pending additional research.
The request has been submitted for processing, but
the report has not been returned.
The request was submitted and received.
Pending Settlement
The request has been processed, the revised reports are complete, and the total loss claim is awaiting settlement. In the Work Queue, any valuation records that are pending a settlement review are highlighted in green.
The claim has been settled and a specified amount has been paid to the Insured or Claimant. The total loss valuation process is complete, and the vehicle may become available for salvage.
Closed w/o Payment
The valuation has been closed without generating a total loss payment
Authorization Failed
A manager has denied the request to submit the specialty vehicle for a valuation.
There was insufficient information available about
the vehicle to produce a valuation.
Failed Request
The valuation request was submitted, but did not pass
the validation process.
Pending Quote
The valuation was submitted with After-Market Parts set to Quote to be valued by the Total Loss Service Center. |
Pending Additional Research - On Hold
The request has been submitted but is on hold pending additional information. An information icon is displayed next to the status, hovering over the icon will display the information needed for the Total Loss Service Center to proceed with the claim. |
Pending Tax Validation
The request has been submitted, but additional information regarding taxes and fees needs to be resolved. |