Enter Vehicle Information for Mitchell Cloud Estimating

This page allows you to access and configure additional information about the vehicle and its damage for a new or existing job in Mitchell Connect. Begin with decoding the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) by scanning it or typing it in the VIN field. If the VIN is unknown, select the Manual Select checkbox and fill in the necessary fields (i.e., Type, Year, Make, Model, etc). Once the VIN is populated, continue down the page and fill in the necessary Details, Color, Equipment, and Damage categories as desired.

When using the VIN field decode utility, error messages display when the vehicle VIN cannot be verified. Context-specific error messages include:

  • VIN is invalid – A digit in the VIN is invalid.

  • Not licensed to decode <category> – Check Mitchell Cloud Estimating licensing for vehicle categories (e.g., motorcycles, RV's, etc).

  • Not licensed to decode <make> – Check Mitchell Cloud Estimating licensing for vehicle make types (e.g., Jeep, Audi, etc).

  • VIN unable to decode for fleet vehicles, please use manual select below to continue – Fleet vehicle data is not authored for Mitchell Cloud Estimating and cannot decode VIN as a result. Manually decode a similar base model to continue creating the estimate.

How to