Managing Staffed Inspection Sites

A staffed inspection site is a Service Center, Drive-in facility, or Staging Yard. You can create and define a site (type, name, territory), associate resources (appraisers, manager), and then configure shifts (hours of coverage, one-time and recurring) so you can schedule appraisal appointments for the site. You can also designate these sites as CAT if needed.







Closed Manage Staffed Inspection Site

Site Details

Site Type

Select Drive-in, Service Center, or Staging Yard. (Read-only after the site has been created.)

Site Name

Enter a name for the site. (Read-only after the site has been created.)


Select Active or Inactive. When you mark an active site as inactive, the site moves to the Inactive tab. The associated resources and their shifts become available for other uses but remain associated with the inactive site. In this way, the site can be quickly reactivated with resources already associated to it.

Dispatch Center

Select the Dispatch Center to associate this site to.

Site Options

Options to further define the site:

• Designate as CAT (Read-only after the site has been created.)

• Immediately dispatch assignments when assigned to this site


Special appraisal attributes of a site, group, or resource. If this were a drive-in site for drivable (not towed) vehicles, under Special Skills, select the "Drivable estimates only" check box.

Service Center Appointment / Task Duration

Select the duration of appointments/tasks.You can select duration times in 5-minute increments, up to 3 hours. (Service Center only.)

Manager: Choose Resource

Assign a manager to the site. Click Choose Resource or the Resource Lookup icon to locate and select a manager, or enter the contact information.

Territory (Defined by Radius)

Enter the number of miles from the address to define the territory. The address is the center point of the radius. (Service Center only.)

Address: Choose Shop

Enter the site address. To use a shop's address, click Choose Shop or the Resource Lookup icon to find the shop.

Click to validate the address. (A complete address is required.) With a valid address, maps and directions to the resource and/or location are available.


By Associated Resources: Select this option to schedule appointments by associating resources to the site.

By Placeholder Shifts: Select this option to define the duration of the site's appointments and tasks.

Click to delete the site. The site cannot have had prior usage: activity, associated resources, or assignments. A confirmation message appears before the record is deleted. You can continue with the operation or cancel it.

Click to save the site information and continue working in the window.

Click to save the site information and close the window.

Click to close the window without saving the information. A confirmation message appears before the window closes. You can continue with the operation or cancel it.

Hour of operation

(Service Center only)

Sunday . . . Saturday

Select the check boxes for the days of the week the service center is open, and enter the hours of operation (12-hour format with AM and PM).

Associated Appraisers / CSRs / RCs / BS

(Service Center only)


Additional staff and body shop resources you can associate to the service center.

Associated Resources / Placeholder & Schedule

Appears when "Availability: By Associated Resources" is selected.

Click this button to use the resource lookup tool to add resources (appraisers) to the site. Appraisers associated with the site's Dispatch Center are available to add. If you don't see a particular resource, you can modify his or her resource details so they are associated to the Dispatch Center.

Appears when "Availability: By Placeholder Shifts" is selected.

Click this button to add generic placeholder rows. Add shifts to the placeholder to block out time for appointments but not assign a specific resource.

Appraiser / Resource Name

The name of the associated resource.

Sunday . . . Saturday

Days of the week to which you can add shifts for resources or placeholders.

For each row, hover your mouse pointer over the cell for the day of the week, and click Add Shift.

Enter shift start and end times in the From and To text boxes.

Click to add another shift on the same day.

Click to delete a shift.


Appears when "Availability: By Associated Resources" is selected.

Lists the resource's expertise.

Removes selected resources.

Removes selected shifts.

See Also

Managing Resources

Managing Groups

Carrier Management