Auto-Apply an Estimate Profile for Insurance Company
Auto-Apply in Mitchell Cloud Estimating automatically selects the estimate profile that has been assigned to you from the insurance company that you work with. If more than one estimate profile is assigned to you, you will be prompted to select the correct profile to before you write the estimate. This helps to ensure that the correct profile is applied to an estimate. Follow the steps below to use this feature.
How to
- Create an estimate profile in WorkCenter.
- Assign the estimate profile to a business partner.
- Dispatch an assignment to that partner.
- Write the estimate using Mitchell Cloud Estimating. On the Estimate card, click Write Estimate. The assigned Estimate Profile will automatically be applied, or you will be asked to select from multiple profiles that have been assigned to you.
Note: As a staff appraiser, you can select the Estimate Profile to use for an estimate. If you have more than one assigned estimate profile, you will be able to select the profile from a list of profiles to apply to the estimate. You can only select a profile when a new estimate is created.