Use Profiles
Estimate Profiles save general settings, labor and tax rules, calculations criteria, parts adjustments, and estimate header settings. You can use existing profiles from UltraMate, or create, edit, delete and restore profiles.
How to
- Open an estimate from the Jobs page in Mitchell Connect.
- Click the Estimate Profile icon .
Click Change Profile next to Selected Estimate Profile.
Select the profile you will use for the estimate and click Apply.
Note: Use the search bar to find the profile by name. The top 100 matching profile names will be displayed in the search results.
You can find an estimate profile from the list with the estimate profiles search feature.
- From the Job Overview page in Mitchell Connect, click Write Estimate on the estimate card.
- If you have more than one estimate profile assigned to you, you can select the profile to use for the estimate in the Select an Estimate Profile window.
- Select a profile from the list or type the profile name in the search bar. Matching results display in the list as you type. The top 100 matching profile names will appear in the search results.
- Select the profile in the list, and then click Apply.
- Create a new job or open an existing one.
- Click Write Estimate or Continue Estimate.
- Click Estimate Profile.
- Click the Print Preferences tab. The default estimate header appears.
- Select Use This Option to Create a Specific Header.
- Enter the information that will be printed in the estimate header.
- Click Apply Changes to save your changes.
- The preview shows the updated header with your changes.
In the Messages and Remarks tab of the estimate profile in Mitchell Cloud Estimating you can add commonly-used messages and remarks that will be included in every estimate created with the profile. This allows you to save specific messages that will appear on the estimate. You can type the message in the message boxes, or add saved text messages that have already been created. Visit the "Shop Settings" topic for instructions to createsaved textfor the messages and remarks section.
In the Messages and Remarks tab, when editing, make changes to the following information as needed:
Select the check box to enable separate messaging for Primary, Related, and Unrelated estimate types in the estimate profile. You can type the message in the message boxes, or add saved text messages that have already been created. Visit the "Shop Settings" topic for instructions to create saved text for the messages and remarks section. This messaging will be included in the estimate printout.
Note to Staff Appraisers: Saved Text created can be used by all other staff appraisers. Only the original author can edit and delete the text. However, staff managers can update or delete predefined text created by any staff user.
Note to Shop Users: Saved Text created is only available to the shop you use.
- Click the Estimate Profile icon and click the Messages and Remarks tab to add messaging to printed estimates created using this profile.
- Click Edit and then click + Add Saved Text in each section.
In the Predefined Text window you can search for existing predefined text. To sort the predefined text, click the Sort By list and select: Title, Updated Date or Created By. You can also sort alphabetically.
- Select the predefined text you want to use and click Insert. You can select multiple messages to add to the estimate profile at once. Messages appear in the order they were selected. Messages can be re-ordered on the estimate profile with the arrow icons.
- Click Remove to delete predefined text from the estimate profile.
Note: Shops working on assignments for insurance companies that have predefined text will see both a Company tab and a User tab when adding text to the estimate profile.
Insurance companies can set whether or not appraisers have access to edit Messages in the Estimate Profile settings. In WorkCenter, navigate to the Message and Remarks page of the Estimate Profile. Activate or deactivate the Allow Appraisers to Edit toggle depending on your company requirements. If the setting is deactivated, appraisers in Mitchell Cloud Estimating see read-only text in the Estimate Profile Message and Remarks section when editing the settings.
Insurance companies can set whether or not appraisers have access to edit Estimate Styles in the Estimate Profile settings. In WorkCenter, navigate to the Print Preference Estimate Styling tab on the Estimate Profile. Activate or deactivate the Allow Appraisers to Edit toggle depending on your company requirements. If the setting is deactivated, appraisers in Mitchell Cloud Estimating see read-only text in the Estimate Profile Message and Remarks section when editing the settings.
You can change the zip/postal code that is being used to populate fields in the Estimate Profile. This will set the location of the repair facility according to the physical address, not the billing address. A banner will show the zip/postal code used to populate the lookup-driven values within the Estimate Profile.
- Create a new Enable Send to Insurance job and select an estimate profile that has ZIP Code lookup enabled.
- On the Job Overview page, click Write Estimate.
- Click the Estimate Profile icon.
- Click the Labor/Tax Rules tab.
- The notification will show the ZIP Code used for calculations. Click Change Zip/Postal Code to make changes.