Mitchell Cloud Repair Settings
View the links below to learn now to configure settings in Mitchell Cloud Repair.
Note: Some of these features may be optional.
How to
Set Parts and Labor Scrubbers:
Set the Parts Scrubber to reclassify parts that are classified differently in your estimating program than you want them to be in Mitchell Cloud Repair (optional if available).
Set the Labor Scrubber to reclassify common labor procedures that are classified differently in your estimating program than you want to have them in Mitchell Cloud Repair (optional if available).
Set Preferences and Disclaimer Text: Add disclaimer text that appears at the bottom your repair documents.
Configure Accounting System Settings: Mapping Profit Centers creates permanent changes to your accounting software that are irreversible. If you are unsure of any part of the mapping process for setting up Profit Centers, please reach out to the Mitchell Collision Installation Team (CIT).
Set up and use Parts Providers (if third-party providers are available).