Mitchell Cloud Products Overview
Mitchell Connect and other Mitchell Cloud products organize your work based on the workflow used with your insurance company partners. Your work is organized on the navigation pane in two categories:
Jobs: Opened or Closed
Repair Orders
In Progress
Various jobs and tasks may be referred to as assignments depending on your workflow.
When you open a job or assignment, complete your work on the Job Overview page. This page provides additional access to features and functions.
How to
Work is organized by jobs or tasks and vary depending on workflow with insurance company partners.
Use the navigation pane to view jobs or tasks sorted by type and status.
Do one of the following
Select the job or task in the list and the Job Overview page opens.
Mitchell Connect includes Appraisal Assignments and Repair Assignments.
To open and work on an assignment or a job, select a job in the Jobs list or a task in the Tasks list.
The Job Overview page opens, which is the main workspace for the job.
Note: After you register, assignment notification emails include links that bring you directly to the Job Overview page for the corresponding job.
Use the Job Overview page to access assignment-related tasks:
All of the available Mitchell Connect settings appear on the Settings page.
Use the Settings to view shop details and manage user accounts: