Welcome to Mitchell Cloud Estimating, TruckMax, and Specialty Vehicles
Welcome to Mitchell Cloud Estimating, the complete estimating solution for the collision industry that integrates insurance companies, repair facilities, and independent adjusters. The Mitchell Cloud Estimating web-based application meets the needs of collision repair shop customers and insurance appraisers on a cloud-based platform that delivers seamless interaction across devices, with automatic updates and intuitive design.
You can create high-quality, complete, and accurate estimates with Mitchell Cloud Estimating. Our user-friendly system automates most of the estimating process, allowing you to create estimates quickly and serve your customers effectively.
Resources for Getting Started in Mitchell Cloud Estimating
Click the links listed below to access some of the resources for this application.
How to
Utilize the steps below to start using Mitchell Cloud Estimating as a Shop:
Note: The order of these steps may vary depending on the insurance company workflow.
Create an account with Mitchell Connect to later access Mitchell Cloud Estimating.
Configure the Mitchell Cloud Estimating Settings for: Repair Shop, User and Contact methods, Estimating, Estimate Profile, and Templates.
If applicable, set up and enable Parts Portal and Parts Providers.
Open or Create a Job prior to beginning the estimate.
Maintain the Repair Status through the Repair Status card in Mitchell Connect.
Common updates include setting the due in date and estimated completion date, updating the repair status/notes, and marking repairs as delivered.
Add photos and attachments in Mitchell Connect when required.
Start an Estimate, add repair lines, and review the estimate.
When required, send a variety of attachments to the insurance company through Mitchell Connect.
Attempt to commit the estimate which automatically runs against a compliance profile check.
Either the estimate passes and is committed or it flags issues which need to be resolved before committing takes place. Repeat this step as needed to fix flagged issues until you commit a passing estimate.
The committed estimate can be emailed as an estimate printout to the customer and/or exported in EMS or BMS format.
Additional optional actions include changing admin or vehicle information, viewing and/or printing supplement delta reports, and accepting parts and labor updates.
If the estimate requires changes after its been committed, you can write a supplement to add, edit, or delete repair lines.
When a committed estimate has a supplement, you can view or print the Delta Report for that supplement which identifies the differences between it and the prior estimate or supplement.
Finalize the job by marking it as final. This indicates that the estimate is ready for payment depending on your workflow requirements.
When everything is completed, close the job. Remember, the job can always be re-opened if desired.
Create an account with Mitchell Connect to later access Mitchell Cloud Estimating.
You may also receive your first assignment through an email notification with instructions on how to register for Mitchell Connect if the insurance company has it set up that way or through an assignment notification in Mitchell Connect.
Configure the Mitchell Cloud EstimatingSettings for: Repair Shop, User and Contact methods, Estimating, Estimate Profile, and Templates.
If applicable, set up and enable parts portal and parts providers.
Either request an assignment or retrieve an assignment once the settings are configured (if it hasn't been done already). If the insurance company has the correct settings configured, an email notification may be created after the email is received instead of having to retrieve the assignment.
View the assignment details through Tasks in Mitchell Connect.
Add photos and attachments in Mitchell Connect when required.
Start an Estimate, add repair lines, and review the estimate.
Attempt to commit the estimate which automatically runs against a compliance profile check to ensure it meets insurance company standards.
Either the estimate passes and is committed or it flags issues which need to be resolved before committing takes place. Repeat this step as needed to fix flagged issues until you commit a passing estimate.
The committed estimate can be emailed as an estimate printout to the customer and/or exported in EMS or BMS format.
Additional optional actions include changing admin or vehicle information, viewing and/or printing supplement delta reports, and accepting parts and labor updates.
To communicate with the insurance company in Mitchell Connect, you can send a Journal (Message) throughout the repair process or at this step.
If the estimate requires changes after it has been committed, you can write a supplement to add, edit, or delete repair lines.
When a committed estimate has a supplement, you can view or print the Delta Report for that supplement which identifies the differences between it and the prior estimate or supplement.
Finalize the assignment. This indicates that the estimate is ready for payment depending on your workflow requirements.